Native Application Runtime Environment
SoundProperties are properties that are related to either a source or a sink. They are product specific and are used to set source or sink specific properties. This could be for example: equalizer settings, relative volume offsets but also bool information "surround sound on/off". A soundProperty is defined by its type (am_SoundProperty_e, a product specific enum) and a value (integer) that is interpreted according to the type. There are not limits how many properties a sink or a source can have. SoundProperties in contradiction to MainSoundProperties are not visible to the CommandInterface.
are properties that apply to the whole system or parts of it but cannot be tight to a specific sink or source. They are product specific and could be used for example to set general behavior like all interrupts on/off for example. The information is only exchanged between the commandInterface and the AudioManagerController. The AudioManagerController has to interpret the value and react accordingly.