Development tool for CAN bus simulation
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCANBusModelUsed to interface CAN operations with QML stack
 CCanDeviceThe class provides abstraction layer for CAN BUS hardware
 CCanDeviceModelThe class provides node graphical representation of CanDevice
 CCanRawDataThe class describing data model used as output for CanDevice node
 CCanRawSenderModelThe class provides node graphical representation of CanRawSender
 CCanRawSenderPrivateThis class is responsible for manage can raw sender window
 CCanRawViewModelThe class provides node graphical representation of CanRawView
 CComponentInterfaceInterface to be implemented by every component
 CGuiMockFakeit is broken so wrap broken solution to get it working with qt signals
 CNewLineManagerThis class holds informations about all the columns in line and relationships beteewn them
 CQMLExecutorGuiImplQMLExecutor plugin gui implementation
 CQMLExecutorGuiIntInterface of gui for QMLExecutor plugin
 CQMLExecutorModelThe QMLExecutorModel A model for QML executor component
 CQMLExecutorPrivateQMLExecutor plugin private implementation
 Csection_ndx< T, std::tuple< T, Types... > >
 Csection_ndx< T, std::tuple< U, Types... > >
 CSectionLoader< Array, std::tuple< Args... > >