23 #if !defined(EA_E0F066FD_E6D8_4ca9_84C3_D0C02AF09BF8__INCLUDED_) 24 #define EA_E0F066FD_E6D8_4ca9_84C3_D0C02AF09BF8__INCLUDED_ 33 #if defined __cplusplus 36 #define A_CONST static const 825 std::vector<am_RoutingElement_s>
839 am_CustomSoundPropertyType_t
857 am_CustomSystemPropertyType_t
1015 am_CustomMainSoundPropertyType_t
1477 #endif // !defined(EA_E0F066FD_E6D8_4ca9_84C3_D0C02AF09BF8__INCLUDED_) am_sourceID_t sourceID
The sourceID of the converter sink-end.
std::string busname
the busname.
uint16_t am_CustomNotificationType_t
The notification types are project specific.
The source can be activly heared.
std::string name
The name of the crossfader.
This error is returned in case a connect is issued with a connectionFormat that cannot be selected fo...
am_MuteState_e muteState
This attribute reflects the muteState of the sink.
with the help of this enum, sinks and sources can report their availability state ...
uint16_t am_connectionID_t
a connection ID
uint16_t am_CustomSoundPropertyType_t
Within genivi only the some example properties are defined.
the domain is independent running down
The source / sink is available.
the source / sink is muted
am_timeSync_t delay
the delay of the conneciton
std::vector< am_NotificationConfiguration_s > listNotificationConfigurations
This is the list of the NotificationConfigurations.
am_sourceID_t sourceID
the source ID
std::vector< am_ClassProperty_s > listClassProperties
the list of the class properties.
am_converterID_t converterID
This is the ID of the converter, it is unique in the system.
A Common-API wrapper class, which loads the common-api runtime and instantiates all necessary objects...
std::vector< am_NotificationConfiguration_s > listMainNotificationConfigurations
This is the list of the MainNotificationConfigurations.
am_sourceClass_t sourceClassID
the source ID
bool early
indicated if the domain is independent at startup or not
the desired object is non existent
am_CustomNotificationType_t type
The notification type of the notification.
am_DataType_u volumeID
either sourceID or sinkID
uint16_t am_CustomSystemPropertyType_t
Describes the different system properties which are project specific.
the errors of the audiomanager.
am_domainID_t domainSourceID
The ID of the source.
bool visible
This Boolean flag indicates whether a sink is visible to the commandInterface or not.
This struct holds information about the configuration for notifications.
the desired object already exists
A_CONST am_volume_t AM_MUTE
std::vector< am_NotificationConfiguration_s > listNotificationConfigurations
The list of MainNotificationConfigurations.
std::vector< am_ClassProperty_s > listClassProperties
the list of the class properties.
struct describing source classes
am_VolumeType_e volumeType
describes the type of the volume: source or sink.
This struct describes the attribiutes of a sink.
This struct holds the payload of a notification.
int16_t value
the actual value
am_DomainState_e state
the current domain state
am_sinkID_t sinkID_A
The sinkID of the SinkA.
the connection is in the course to be knocked down
the source / sink is not available
am_CustomConnectionFormat_t connectionFormat
the connectionformat that is used for the route
A_CONST am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t AR_GENIVI_NEWMEDIA
new media was entered
am_sinkID_t sinkID
This is the ID of the sink, it is unique in the system.
A_CONST am_CustomClassProperty_t CP_UNKNOWN
am_Availability_s available
This attribute reflects the availability of the source.
This struct describes the attribiutes of a domain.
am_domainID_t controlDomainID
This is the ID of the domain that registers the gateway.
std::string name
The name of the source.
A_CONST am_CustomMainSoundPropertyType_t MSP_GENIVI_MID
am_SoundProperty_s soundProperty
uint16_t am_crossfaderID_t
a crossfader ID
am_sinkID_t sinkID
the sinkID
uint16_t am_CustomConnectionFormat_t
This type classifies the format in which data is exchanged within a connection.
am_sourceID_t sourceID
the sourceID where the route starts
am_sinkID_t sinkID
The sinkID of the convertersink-end.
am_HotSink_e hotSink
This enum can have 3 states:
uint16_t am_CustomMainSoundPropertyType_t
Here are all SoundProperties that can be set via the CommandInterface.
The source cannot be heared.
this type holds all information of sinks relevant to the HMI
am_sourceID_t sourceID
the sourceID where the connection starts
am_crossfaderID_t crossfaderID
This is the ID of the crossfader, it is unique in the system.
am_SourceState_e sourceState
The source state is an indication towards the source if it is actively heard or not.
int16_t am_timeSync_t
offset time that is introduced in milli seconds.
am_Availability_s availability
the availability of the source
A_CONST am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t AR_GENIVI_NOMEDIA
there is no media or media is removed
am_gatewayID_t gatewayID
This is the ID of the gateway, it is unique in the system.
A_CONST am_CustomConnectionFormat_t CF_UNKNOWN
am_mainVolume_t mainVolume
This is the representation of the Volume for the commandInterface.
am_sourceClass_t sourceClassID
the sourceClassID, indicates the class the source is in.
describes class properties
std::string name
the name of the sourceClass - must be unique in the system
struct that holds attribiutes of a mainconnection
data type depends of am_EarlyDataType_e: volume_t in case of ED_SOURCE_VOLUME, ED_SINK_VOLUME soundPr...
A_CONST am_CustomSystemPropertyType_t SYP_UNKNOWN
am_CustomClassProperty_t classProperty
the property as enum
am_sinkID_t sinkID
the sinkID
the interrupt state is interrupted - the interrupt is active
am_sinkID_t sinkID
The sinkID of the gateway sink-end.
am_volume_t volume
The volume.
the following type is a sink
std::vector< am_CustomConnectionFormat_t > listSinkFormats
This is the list of available formats on the sink side of the gateway.
am_CustomNotificationType_t type
This defines the notification type.
sets directly the value without a ramp
std::vector< am_NotificationConfiguration_s > listMainNotificationConfigurations
The list of MainNotificationConfigurations.
am_CustomConnectionFormat_t connectionFormat
the used connectionformat
am_sinkID_t sinkID
the sinkID where the connection ends
std::string name
The name of the sink.
std::vector< am_MainSoundProperty_s > listMainSoundProperties
This is the list of the available mainSoundProperties.
struct describing system properties
am_mainConnectionID_t mainConnectionID
the assigned ID
uint16_t am_converterID_t
a converter ID
am_sourceID_t sourceID
The sourceID of the crossfader source.
std::vector< am_CustomConnectionFormat_t > listSourceFormats
This is the list of available formats on the source side of the converter.
int16_t value
This is finally the value of the notification.
A_CONST am_CustomMainSoundPropertyType_t MSP_GENIVI_TREBLE
A_CONST am_CustomConnectionFormat_t CF_GENIVI_ANALOG
am_sourceID_t sourceID
This is the ID of the source, it is unique in the system.
struct describung mainsound property
This represents one "hopp" in a route.
am_ConnectionState_e connectionState
the current connection state
am_Availability_s availability
This attribute reflects the availability of the sink.
A_CONST am_CustomSoundPropertyType_t SP_GENIVI_BASS
A_CONST am_CustomClassProperty_t CP_GENIVI_SOURCE_TYPE
am_domainID_t domainID
The domainID is the domain the source belongs to.
am_ConnectionState_e connectionState
the current connection state
std::string name
The name of the gateway.
the following type is a source
am_volume_t volume
This is the volume of the source.
a handle is used for asynchronous operations and is uniquely assigned for each of this operations ...
A_CONST am_CustomConnectionFormat_t CF_GENIVI_MONO
continues update of volume
No notification, the function is turned off.
uint16_t am_sourceID_t
a source ID
A_CONST am_CustomMainSoundPropertyType_t MSP_UNKNOWN
am_CustomMainSoundPropertyType_t type
the type of the property
This datatype determines if a sourceID or a sinkID is used in the union following.
struct describing the sound property
A_CONST am_CustomMainSoundPropertyType_t MSP_GENIVI_BASS
am_sinkID_t sinkID
This is the ID of the sink, it is unique in the system.
data type depends of am_EarlyDataType_e: sourceID in case of ED_SOURCE_VOLUME, ED_SOURCE_PROPERTY sin...
int16_t value
the value of the property
A communication error happened.
the domain is controlled by the daemon
am_sourceClass_t sourceClassID
the sourceClassID, indicates the class the source is in.
am_CustomSystemPropertyType_t type
the type that is set
am_sourceID_t sourceID
the source the audio flows from
std::vector< am_CustomConnectionFormat_t > listSinkFormats
This is the list of available formats on the sink side of the gateway.
am_sourceID_t sourceID
the sourceID
am_sinkClass_t sinkClassID
The sinkClassID references to a sinkClass.
struct describing sinkclasses
bool visible
This Boolean flag indicates whether a source is visible to the commandInterface or not...
A_CONST am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t AR_GENIVI_TEMPERATURE
there was a temperature event
am_NotificationStatus_e status
The Notification status.
the interrupt state is off - no interrupt
This means the connection is just building up.
A_CONST am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t AR_GENIVI_SAMEMEDIA
same media was entered
am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t availabilityReason
the reason for the last change.
am_Availability_s available
This attribute reflects the availability of the sink.
std::string nodename
the name of the node
std::vector< am_connectionID_t > listConnectionID
the list of sub connection IDs the mainconnection consists of
am_mainVolume_t volume
This is the representation of the Volume for the commandInterface.
represents the connection state
std::vector< am_SoundProperty_s > listSoundProperties
This is the list of soundProperties, that the source is capable of.
The notification is sent out when a change happened.
A_CONST am_CustomRampType_t RAMP_UNKNOWN
std::vector< am_MainSoundProperty_s > listMainSoundProperties
This is the list of the available mainSoundProperties.
This struct describes the attributes of a converter.
A_CONST am_CustomSoundPropertyType_t SP_GENIVI_TREBLE
am_domainID_t domainSinkID
The ID of the sink.
A_CONST am_CustomConnectionFormat_t CF_GENIVI_STEREO
std::vector< am_RoutingElement_s > route
the actual route as list of routing elements
a list of routing elements that lead from source to sink
std::vector< bool > convertionMatrix
This is matrix holding information about the conversion capability of the gateway, it's length is defined by the length(listSinkFormats) x length(listSourceFormats).
The notification is sent out when the minimum given by am_NotificationParameter is reached...
describes the active sink of a crossfader.
am_InterruptState_e interruptState
Some special sources can have special behaviors, the are so called "Low Level Interrupts".
am_Availability_e availability
the current availability state
int16_t am_volume_t
The unit is 0.1 db steps,The smallest value -3000 (=AM_MUTE).
This struct describes the attribiutes of a crossfader.
std::vector< am_SoundProperty_s > listSoundProperties
This is the list of soundProperties, that the sink is capable of.
Sets the volume as fast as possible.
am_sourceID_t sourceID
This is the ID of the source, it is unique in the system.
the connection is ready to be used
am_CustomSoundPropertyType_t type
the type of the property - a project specific enum
am_sinkID_t sinkID_B
The sinkID of the SinkB.
this type holds all information of connections relevant to the HMI
the desired action is not possible
am_InterruptState_e interruptState
std::vector< bool > convertionMatrix
This is matrix holding information about the conversion capability of the converter, it's length is defined by the length(listSinkFormats) x length(listSourceFormats).
A_CONST am_CustomClassProperty_t CP_GENIVI_SINK_TYPE
am_sourceID_t sourceID
The sourceID of the gateway sink-end.
uint16_t am_sourceClass_t
am_connectionID_t connectionID
the assigned ID
std::string name
the name of the sinkClass - must be unique in the system
This enum characterizes the data of the EarlyData_t.
am_domainID_t domainID
the domain ID
am_domainID_t domainID
This is the ID of the domain that registers the converter.
this describes the availability of a sink or a source together with the latest change ...
This struct describes the attributes of a gateway.
exponential update, soft start - high gradient at the end
the asynchronous action was aborted
A_CONST am_CustomNotificationType_t NT_UNKNOWN
uint16_t am_time_t
time in ms!
am_CustomRampType_t ramp
the ramp that shall be driven
am_timeSync_t delay
the delay of the mainconnection
am_mainConnectionID_t mainConnectionID
the ID of the mainconnection
A_CONST am_CustomSoundPropertyType_t SP_UNKNOWN
A_CONST am_CustomConnectionFormat_t CF_GENIVI_AUTO
This enumeration is used to define the type of the action that is correlated to a handle...
Periodic notifications are sent out.
std::vector< am_CustomConnectionFormat_t > listSourceFormats
This is the list of available formats on the source side of the gateway.
am_sinkID_t sinkID
the sinkID where the route ends
The notification is sent out when the maximum given by am_NotificationParameter is reached...
uint16_t am_CustomClassProperty_t
This is a custom specific identifier of property.
A_CONST am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t AR_GENIVI_VOLTAGE
there was a voltage event
this means the connection is still build up but unused at the moment
uint16_t am_domainID_t
a domain ID
int16_t am_mainVolume_t
This is the volume presented on the command interface.
std::string name
The name of the converter.
no error - positive reply
the source / sink is unmuted
int16_t value
the actual value of the property
std::vector< am_CustomConnectionFormat_t > listConnectionFormats
This list holds information about the formats that the Source is capable of supporting when deliverin...
only relevant for connectionStatechanged.
this type holds all information of sources relevant to the HMI
A_CONST am_CustomSoundPropertyType_t SP_GENIVI_MID
uint16_t am_gatewayID_t
a gateway ID
This struct describes the attribiutes of a source.
the crossfader is in the transition state
std::string name
The name of the sink.
uint16_t am_CustomRampType_t
The given ramp types here are just examples.
am_volume_t volume
This is the volume of the sink.
the domain is independent starting up
std::string name
The name of the source.
std::string name
the name of the domain
uint16_t am_sinkID_t
a sink ID
uint16_t am_mainConnectionID_t
a mainConnection ID
int16_t parameter
This gives additional information to the notification status.
am_domainID_t domainID
The domainID is the domain the sink belongs to.
The source state reflects the state of the source.
am_domainID_t domainID
the domainID the routeElement is in
A_CONST am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t AR_GENIVI_ERRORMEDIA
fatal errors on reading or accessing media
uint16_t am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t
This type gives the information about reason for reason for Source/Sink change.
am_sinkClass_t sinkClassID
The sinkClassID references to a sinkClass.
inverted exponential update, high gradient at the start - soft end
a database error occurred
bool complete
indicates if the domain registration is complete or not
am_time_t time
the time for the ramp
A_CONST am_CustomAvailabilityReason_t AR_UNKNOWN
am_timeSync_t delay
the delay of the connection
am_sinkClass_t sinkClassID
the ID of the sinkClass
std::vector< am_CustomConnectionFormat_t > listConnectionFormats
This list holds information about the formats that the Source is capable of supporting when deliverin...
am_sinkID_t sinkID
the sink the audio flows to
This types describe a mixed description for source and sinks volumes.